Maritime & Yachting
The Maltese flag inspires confidence in vessel owners and ports alike, wherever their yacht or ship is based. The registration and operation of a vessel requires specialised knowledge of the intricacies of ownership. Acumum’s experienced team handles the day-to-day administration, as well as higher-level administration such as decision-making. Our networks allow seamless service provision that ensures compliance with all requirements as well as customer satisfaction with the level of service received.
Maritime & Yachting
The Maltese flag inspires confidence in vessel owners and ports alike, wherever their yacht or ship is based. The registration and operation of a vessel requires specialised knowledge of the intricacies of ownership. Acumum’s experienced team handles the day-to-day administration, as well as higher-level administration such as decision-making. Our networks allow seamless service provision that ensures compliance with all requirements as well as customer satisfaction with the level of service received.
Acumum Advisory
Based in Ireland, Malta and the UK, we provide a comprehensive and award-winning range of legal and accounting services to international clients. Guided by a commitment to long-term relationships and exemplary customer service, our experienced team works to create inclusive, practical and cost-efficient solutions for clients. Among those we work with are individuals, family offices, companies, governments and intermediaries.
Our Maritime & Yachting Services
Yacht Registration
Choosing the right flag
Malta has forged a strong reputation in the maritime industry and offers the extensive range of facilities and services you would expect to form an international centre of excellence. The team at Acumum can advise and offer expertise on all matters relating to yacht ownership, registration, transactions and leasing. We also provide advice for switching a vessel from private to commercial registration or the reverse.
Available in Ireland, Malta and the UK
Professional support at every step
Acumum’s team of professional advisors has an extensive range of specific expertise and experience within the maritime sector, particularly when advising yacht and superyacht owners and the financiers involved with their transactions. We can also assist with the compliance requirements in line with the Commercial Yacht Code as well as tax planning and leasing structures.
Available in Ireland, Malta and the UK
Ship Finance & Tax Structuring
Optimising the opportunities
Working tirelessly, Malta has established itself as the largest flag of registry in Europe and strictly adheres to the highest international standards. Ship financing and tax structuring is another area where Acumum excels. We can provide expertise and advice regarding these specialist areas and ensure that they conform to the various laws governing the industry and Maltese registered vessels.
Available in Ireland, Malta and the UK
Other Acumum Services
Our range of support includes:
Incorporation and management
Taxation and structuring
Commercial advice
Intellectual property advice
Insurance and reinsurance
Why choose Acumum for Maritime & Yachting Services?
Professional support at every step
There are times in every business venture when seeking expert guidance, support and additional resource is the right option. Whether starting-up or fully established, where you can turn to for advice can make all the difference. We offer cost effective, tried and tested professional advice to companies on matters including commercial services, intellectual property rights, online gaming licences, maritime and yacht registration.
Maritime & Yachting Library Items
To learn more about what we do and our services, please contact us.
“As your trusted partner, the work that we undertake is always personalised – and focused on achieving our clients’ aims, understanding your industry specific requirements and personal goals. We are engaged by both private individuals and corporations.”
Geraldine Noel
Director, Barrister