
The Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) is holding its 40th International AGM and Conference in Limassol, Cyprus, between the 8 & 10 October 2014.
WISTA International’s first such AGM and Conference took place in 1981 in Hamburg.
WISTA Malta is the Malta branch (WISTA Malta) of WISTA International, both being non-profit organisations. WISTA Malta was established in September 2014 by a number of female professionals in shipping. The aims of WISTA Malta include the promotion of active participation within WISTA International and to support the involvement of females in the maritime industry.
WISTA Malta members will be attending the WISTA conference to network and exchange ideas and information with other members of the worldwide organisation.
Dr. Geraldine Spiteri, one of the founding members of WISTA Malta, has been appointed as the first treasurer of WISTA Malta. Geraldine Spiteri will also be attending on behalf of Acumum – Legal & Advisory and will be spreading the word about the incentives which the Maltese flag holds for the shipping industry, which include:
Malta has a very long-standing maritime tradition. Furthermore, the strategic location of Malta, its deep natural harbours and the wide range of services available make Malta an excellent choice to register vessels.
Dr Geraldine Spiteri may be contacted on +356 2778 1700 Ext 102, Cell +356 9985 8000 or at [email protected] should you like to meet her at the conference or discuss Malta yacht or maritime solutions.
Use the form below to send an enquiry. We’ll get back to you within 48 hours.