Make Your Contribution to the Community
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Acumum Recruitment
Excellence in Knowledge
Acumum is an award winning boutique set of legal, tax, fiduciary and accounting firms, located in the tax and fiscal efficient European jurisdiction of Malta. Acumum’s recruitment policy is to recruit knowledgeable, business-minded professionals with excellent client care standards.
These are Acumum’s core values in its service to clients and in Acumum’s recruitment’s standards:
Excellence in Knowledge
We take pride in our knowledge, both academically, as evidenced in past employment, as well as extra – curricular activities We look for rounded, personable individuals – common sense as well as intelligence. Acumum generally employs Maltese and UK lawyers and accountants with extensive specialist commercial and private client expertise, with on-location based international experience, including Malta, U.S., U.K., Cayman Islands, Switzerland. All of our professionals have outstanding academic training and work experience and are licensed in the fields and jurisdictions in which we operate.
Superb Client Service Skills
Our clients are the main reason for our existence. We acknowledge this by providing them with an unparalleled standard of service. A professional manner, efficiency and approachability are necessary attributes for everybody, in every position, who may wish to join us.

Employment Opportunities
Excellence in Knowledge
All recruitment applications and discussions will be held in the strictest of confidences
If you believe that you meet and exceed our requirements, please send us your resume with a cover letter: [email protected]
If you would like to have a preliminary discussion with us, please feel free to contact Geraldine Noel, Managing Partner: [email protected]

Contribution to the Community & Employment Benefits
All members of Acumum are expected to ‘give back’ to their community; whether it be via charitable or pro-bono work.
Added to which, the Acumum Legal Group is:
- A true meritocracy – rewarding individuals in accordance with their contribution to the Group
- An equal opportunities employer – we do not tolerate any form of discrimination
- Flexible – we believe in modern methods of working and, business permitting, telecommuting & flexitime. This way of working not only benefits our international clients but allows for employees with children or other commitments to return to or stay in the workforce.Employment Benefits
We reward individuals who meet our stringent standards and ethos of hard work. By joining Acumum you can be assured of support, training and true career progression. We believe in long-term relationships with both clients, partners and associates.

We’re here to help
Our specialist team is here and ready to help with your matter.