Acumum Director receives Excellence Award, Maritime & Aviation, at the Women’s Economic Forum

Last night, Dr Geraldine Spiteri, director and advocate at leading Maltese specialists Acumum – Legal & Advisory received an award for Exceptional Women of Excellence in Maritime Law & Aviation, during a ceremony held at the Women’s Economic Forum networking event at the Valletta Waterfront,  Malta.     The 18th May, is ‘International Women in Maritime Day’, a day when the global maritime industry celebrates the encouragement of women to work in the maritime industry.

The event was organised as part of a series of networking events for the Women’s Economic Forum (WEF), that is a part of the Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce International (WICCI), Malta Branch – a business and industry that boosts and builds women’s entrepreneurship and businesses through greater engagement with government, institutions, global trade and networks.  WICCI includes various free platforms, including the All Ladies League (ALL), and the SheEconomy.  The group hosted leading women across the world working in high profile industries and established the new headquarters of WICCI Malta.

Dr Geraldine Spiteri Director and Advocate – Acumum Legal & Advisory

During her speech to express her thanks for this recognition, Dr Spiteri mentioned the ever-increasing role that women in maritime contribute to the maritime industry.  Dr Spiteri promised to work within the industry to continue to promote the role of women in high positions in the maritime world.  “I believe that women can also play an important role in the maritime economy and Malta is very well placed to put this matter on the agenda for continued developments in the maritime industry,” she said in her speech. “Together, this is something we can work on across our industries to be able to promote accessibility of these roles to women all over the world.”  Dr Spiteri has also headed up a number of initiatives and spoken at key events, including a Women in Maritime held at the IMO International Maritime Institute on the empowerment of women in the maritime industry in 2019. 

Dr Geraldine Spiteri celebrating the wining of her Women Economic Forum award

Within Acumum, Dr Spiteri heads up the Marine & Aviation team, which services clients wishing to register their yachts and aircraft, as well as those wishing to set up the ownership and operation of these assets within a corporate structure.   Dr Spiteri is a Maltese advocate and lectures in maritime and aviation law.  

Acumum Legal & Advisory is a fullservice boutique firm, providing a range of services including those relating to the registration and management of ships, yachts and aircraft.  

To contact Dr Spiteri or to find out more about Acumum and its services call +356 2778 1700, email or visit the company’s website at

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